Thursday, April 12, 2012

My New Favorite TV Series

I have never been one for the many drama television series that have come and gone.  If you were to see my DVR list it would be filled with shows like Smash, Glee, Modern Family, The Middle, The Little Couple, 19 Kids and Counting, So You Think You Can Dance, etc.  I tend to gravitate more toward the theatrical, comedy, and light-hearted shows.

However, the previews for the new show Awake caught my eye and it has been my new Thursday night obsession at 9pm on NBC.   I haven't heard anyone else talking about this new show and I wonder if I am the only one out there watching it!  I hope not as I think it is excellent writing with a captivating plot.

If you don't know much about it here is a brief description:

Following a car crash, Detective Michael Britten (Jason Isaacs) returns to work and finds himself in one of two different realities every time he wakes up, one in which his wife Hannah (Laura Allen) survives the accident and the other in which his son Rex (Dylan Minnette) survives the accident. 
There is usually a new case to solve in each episode but then the main story continues to builds with each week as well.  At any given moment he truly doesn't know if he is awake or dreaming and both "realities" are so woven together that you really become engrossed in trying to figure out too.  

So if you are looking for something to watch tonight I highly recommend Awake.  Maybe I will wake up tomorrow to find someone else that shares my love for this new show:)


  1. you have my attention and this show sounds right up my alley,hope it is on demand so I can watch from the beginning ,Jerry and I-There are only so many gun smoke re-runs I can stand!

  2. This sounds like something Eric and I would totally watch! We may have to look and see if it is OnDemand :-)
