Friday, June 29, 2012

Mega Swagbucks Friday

Just a reminder that today is Mega Swagbucks.  The day that you can potentially earn more for your searches.  As I promised I wanted to continue to share more tips that I have discovered.  One VERY easy way to earn a quick Swagbuck a day is to answer the daily poll.  They include a fun polleach day that you can vote on to earn one Swagbuck.  On your main page it can be found under the "Earn" tab.  Once day= an average of 30 Swagbucks a month!

If you haven't signed up for Swagbucks yet click on the banner to the right to register!

1 comment:

  1. sup man..have u earned alot of prizes from swagbucks?
    hey do u go on any other sites to earn prizes?
    email reply:
