Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sharing Our Adoption Story

Our adoption agency contacted us asking if we would like to share our adoption story.  They use it to have in their testimonial section on their website which gives prospective adoptive parents a chance to read stories of those that have been through the process.  Then each Tuesday they feature one of those stories on their blog in a segment they call Testimonial Tuesday.  Bill, Logan, and I are the featured story today!  We hope that our story will inspire others just as others have inspired us along the way.  If you get a chance check out Testimonial Tuesday! or if you have trouble clicking the link visit blog.americanadoptions.com


  1. Thanks for sharing your story! Found your blog through that. We have just started on our journey!

  2. You are inspiring other people already,thats fantastic.See,you can grow to love little children that need love,and there are so many out there. I get all teary eyed just thinking about them.I am a emotional,where your heart on your sleeve type of grandma,but thats OK.the children all love me,thats all that counts
